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Tropical Coast, the Gateway to the Mediterranean

Calahonda (Motril). Playa.

Tropical Coast

The sea and the sierras embrace this land and its rich cultural legacy which, due to its strategic position watching over the coastline, was much coveted by the most powerful civilisations.

Beaches, coves, beautiful scenery, quiet coastal and inland towns: these are perhaps the main attractions of an area with a subtropical climate and mil temperatures all year round which makes an ideal destination for a dream-like holiday.

Colossal Muslim fortresses and castles stand majestically above small coastal towns, next to marinas or well-developed seaside resorts. In the background stands the Sierra Nevada, above the steep gorges and cliffs which overlook paradise-like coves. The Costa Tropical – Granada (Tropical Coast)  is a land of contrast which offers visitors a wide variety of posibilities.

The heritage and valuable archaeological remains which are conserved in the simple but charming towns and villages of the area should not be missed by anyone. There are also breathtaking natural areas which will delight lovers of sports and active tourism.


Source: Costa Tropical – Turismo de Granada – Patronato Provincial